Saturday, February 23, 2008

The reign of Caeser Augustus

Augustus was born with the name of Gaius Octavius on September 23, 63 B.C. He was named Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus in 44 B.C. after his great uncle, Julius Caeser, had been murdered. In his will Caesar adopted Octavian which made him his heir.(source)
Gaius was not expected to be the next ruler of Rome. When he became ruler, he was only 18 years old. He didn't look old enoughto be the leader of a country, but he soon proved his importance by soing things to help benefit Rome.(source)
One thing that Caesar did was restore peace in Rome after many years of civil wars. Because of the assination of Caesar's great uncle, Julius Caesar, Rome had been cast into a war. He was killed while Octavian, at the time, was busy in another area. When he got back, he soon found out about his uncle's death and that he was to be the next ruler of Rome. (source1, source2)
In 276 B.C., Caesar Augustus had turned Rome from a Republic to an Empire.During his reign he spent much of Rome's money to turn it into a magnificent city. He is thought to have built the Coliseum. During his time, he built many wonderful things for Rome.(source)
Caesar also built for Rome public baths and aquaducts, which supplied Rome with water. After a little while Caesar made Rome worship him. But, only as a mortal man, not as a man of earth. And finally in 14 A.D., Caesar Augustus died.(source1, source2)

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