Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Odyssey

Homer was A Greek poet who was fortunate enough to write the great epics, the Iliad, which was the story of the siege of Troy, and the Odyssey, the story of Ulysses's wanderings. There have been many arguments over whether or not his work was in fact by him or his followers. “There seems little doubt that the works were originally based on current ballads which were much modified and extended. Of the true Homer, nothing is positively known. The so-called Homeric hymns are certainly of a later age.”(source1, source2)

In the tenth year of the Trojan War, the Greeks tricked the enemy into bringing a wooden horse inside their walls. The Trojans had no idea that the Greeks had hidden soldiers inside the horse, under Odysseus’ command.(source)

That night they came out and opened the city gates for the Greek army. They destroyed Troy. After that, Odysseus and the other Greeks to returned to their kingdom across the sea. This is where the Odyssey comes from, as written by Homer. He was inspired by this glorious battle.(source1, source2)

The Odyssey was written after the Iliad. The Odyssey told of the wanderings of a well distinguished warrior and ruler, Odysseus. Odysseus fought in the Trojan War and, after the Greeks won their victory at Troy, he began his journey home.(source)

During his travels, Odysseus went through many obstacles in which he had to overcome. During his wanderings, Odysseus had to prove his valor, intellect, and determination. In The Odyssey are many current-day characteristics of human behavior including constant dependence on others, the presence of a greater vision and the essence of a sensitive side behind courage and pride.(source)

Book 1
Book 2

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